I'm happy that you want to know more about me

Through my unique combination of academic pursuits, scientific exploration, online entrepreneurship, and UX design, I have cultivated a diverse skill set and a deep passion for creating impactful user experiences. As I continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, I am driven by a singular vision—to merge the realms of science, technology, and user-centric design to shape a better digital future.

the mission

I am committed to understanding user needs, conducting thorough research, and utilizing design principles to develop user-friendly interfaces that enhance usability and satisfaction. Through my work, I strive to create meaningful and seamless interactions that improve people's lives, foster engagement, and drive innovation in the realm of UX design.

The Vision

My vision is to apply my scientific expertise to inform and enhance UX design decisions. By integrating scientific insights into the design process, I aim to create user-friendly digital experiences that are both visually appealing and scientifically sound.

Personal Interests

Nordic Ice Skate

It is a popular activity in Falun, where I am correctly living.


Taking a quick break with my mountain bike (MTB) is a lasting pleasure.


There is nothing I love more than hiking in the serene beauty of mountains.

Based in Falun

Nestled in the heart of Sweden lies the charming city of Falun, where I have proudly set my roots. This captivating city, with its rich cultural heritage and picturesque surroundings, serves as the backdrop for my endeavors and inspires my journey. From the idyllic landscapes of Lake Runn to the historical red-painted houses of the UNESCO-listed Falun Mine, this enchanting city is a tapestry of beauty and history.

Let's keep in touch

Have an excited project or want to get in touch?
Feel free to reach out to me for any reason — I would get back as soon as possible!